Frequency Conversion Energy-saving Monitoring Software Won Government's support

2011-3-2 10:09| Publisher: admin| Views: 1960| Comments: 0

Summary: Our frequency conversion energy-saving monitoring software own special funding form Hangzhou government’s information services industry, and the first grant has arrived recently. We have been devote ...


Our frequency conversion energy-saving monitoring software own special funding form Hangzhou government’s information services industry, and the first grant has arrived recently.


We have been devoted to drive sales and applications for 20 years. Based on the application of drive’s energy-saving, we launched the project "WEB-based frequency conversion energy-saving monitoring software system". By applying computer technology, Internet technology, intelligent control technology, frequency conversion control technology and many other  core information technology, we made five modules "central control software", "data collection and data exchange system software", "call and response system software", "user data analysis and management system software," " Spare parts and after-sales service management system software" to form a complete WEB-based frequency conversion energy-saving monitoring software system. This system can monitor the client drive’s running in real time, so that the drive’s running, energy-efficient data, control parameters and fault status and data can be collected and transferred. So we can get real-time statistics on drive’s energy-efficient data and carbon emissions’ reduction data, and it’s also easy to find and remove the trouble. It dramatically reduces the waiting time and losses for the equipment failure, and it improves equipment’s reliability and maintainability.


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